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D4 Community Connects - Registrar of Voters

November 12 - 

Thank you for joining us for our 25th installment of the D4 Community Connects neighborhood leaders call.  

The County is home to 40 departments that provide programs and services that help our communities across a wide spectrum of need. Today’s guest is from our Registrar of Voters​, a critical service the County offers to our 1.9 million residents.  

The mission of the Registrar of Voters is to protect and ensure the community’s right to participate in fair, inclusive, accurate, and transparent elections. 

Conducting a successful election takes months of preparation before the actual day of the election. Hundreds of polling places need to be found, and thousands of poll workers have to be recruited and trained. Ballots need to be created in five federally-mandated languages. Every piece of voting equipment needs to be tested, and supplies need to be prepared and delivered to every precinct. Tens of thousands of voter registration applications need to be processed and, ballots need to be mailed to over 500,000 Vote by Mail voters. 

Through all this, we must be open and transparent, making sure the public understands our operations, and encouraging community input and involvement in the elections process. 

When the final election results are released, voters can have full confidence in their accuracy and integrity. 

Here is the presentation that they provided during the call:

ROV Evelyn Mendez Public & Legislative Affairs Manager


During the presentation, it was shared with participants that the County's TOP TWO Voter Centers were both located in D4: the Santa Clara Library and the Campbell Community Center.



  • Dashboard Numbers
  • RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SAFER HOLIDAYS - Health Officials from ten Bay Area counties issue recommendations for safer holidays and travel and the state has issued orders on all types of gatherings. Bottomline: Outside is safer. Short. Small. Stable.


For any additional questions, please reach out to Basil Saleh and we will follow-up with responses in a timely fashion.     

​Save the Date: 

Our next installment of the D4 Community Connects call takes place on Dec. 10
, featuring a special guest from the Consumer & Environmental Protection Agency. Please RSVP here: ​



Department of Roads and Airports​
Office of Supportive Housing​
Office of Reentry Services

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