The Mercury News: Santa Clara County unveils new residential mental health facility amid psychiatric bed shortage
Article by The Mercury News
UPDATE: Top Santa Clara County leader lays out roadmap to community safety
Article By San Jose Spotlight
CA's largest urban farm community opens in Santa Clara
The recently completed project includes dozens of homes for seniors and a farm to help keep residents fed with nutritious produce.
Bridging digital divide helps get seniors online
Santa Clara County has partnered with five nonprofit groups and community organizations to offer seniors the opportunity to equip themselves with the hardware, the knowledge and the support to confidently access the internet and its wealth of services, all at no charge.
Santa Clara County’s Commission on the Status of Women still fighting for equality 50 years later
The advisory board has helped establish pay equity for the county workforce, among other initiatives.
Santa Clara County launches $15 million grant program to boost child care providers
The Child Care and Early Education Infrastructure Grant Program can help renovate, reopen, or expand existing operations.